“Constitutional carry (in the state of Arkansas) means that the state’s law does not prohibit citizens who can legally possess a firearm from carrying handguns, (openly and/or in a concealed manner) thus no state permit is required.”

The name “constitutional carry” harkens back to our Constitution and the Bill of Rights’ 2nd amendment that protects the citizens’ right to bear arms. It does not mean that there are no laws governing firearms.

Thus, any individual who 1st, can legally posses a firearm in the state must 2nd, follow all other laws regarding the use, storage, and carrying of said firearm.

I firmly believe that we as citizens should grab hold of and use every right and freedom we can. I also believe that with rights come responsibilities. If I am going to carry a gun I am therefore responsible for it and any activity done with it. I will be held legally responsible, but honestly, doesn’t my moral responsibility supersede even that legal accountability?

Every person who owns a gun should be trained or educated in its proper use, care, and safe storage. Safety should be the number one priority. Every person who carries a gun should educate herself on all laws regarding legal carry, including prohibited locations, allowed events, etc. You can still go to jail in a constitutional carry state if you violate its gun laws.

So, is a license worth the extra time and expense? I believe so. The first thing a license does is require training, which I just mentioned I think all gun owners should receive. Second, a license will give you the ability to carry across state borders when traveling, as long as that state has reciprocity laws with Arkansas, which most do. If we feel the need to carry in order to protect ourselves and others, why would that need end while on a family road trip?

My advice, get trained and get educated. Prepare yourself. Get a license and do the best that you can to protect you and yours wherever you go.



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