It is hard to decide whether owning or carrying a handgun is worth the risk. A handgun is inherently dangerous. I live in a rather rural area of Arkansas. It is growing quickly, but even so, I feel like I live in a small safe little haven. As I sit here, I can hear birds in the trees, and I find it hard to believe that I could ever need a firearm for defense.

However, there have been about 5 times that I truly feared for my personal safety. I have been chased more than once. Someone broke into the house I lived in and stole things from us, but was frightened away when my roommate returned unexpectedly. Each of these incidents left me feeling violated and vulnerable. Just this last week a woman in Saline county, here in Arkansas, woke in the middle of the night to discover her male neighbor hiding under her bed! What choice should we make?

I had to make the decision for myself as to whether a handgun was worth the risk to me. To do that I found it helpful to delineate the most probable risks and benefits. I made a plan to mitigate the risks that I felt made the choice much easier. Here is what I came up with, maybe it will help you.


The firearm may be found or used by someone I do not authorize, like a child, and an accident may occur.

The firearm, even if used in a defensive moment, may accidentally injure an innocent person.

The firearm may be taken from me and be used against me or a loved one.

The firearm may malfunction and cause harm.


It could be the means by which I am able to save myself or someone else from serious injury or death.

I would be exercising a constitutional right.

I would be gaining skills and know-how that might allow me to hunt for food.

I could enjoy the sport of target shooting.

On balance the risks seem fairly weighty. However, almost all of the risk to firearms can be mitigated with just few safety measures and a bit of training.

Risk 1: An unauthorized person may gain access to the firearm.

Solution: A good gun safe and a good safe for the ammunition will erase almost all of the risks. If you are self disciplined enough to keep the guns in the safe, and train your children about what to do if they see a firearm you will prevent virtually all such accidents.

Risk 2: I could accidentally injure a bystander.

Solution: Training, training, training. I firmly believe that you should not carry a firearm unless you train. You are ultimately responsible for every bullet that leaves your gun.

Risk 3: The gun may be taken from me.

Solution: Once again, training, training, training. Know when and how to properly use your firearm.

Risk 4: The gun may malfunction.

Solution: If a gun is properly maintained and cared for a catastrophic failure is highly unlikely, almost unheard of. This is especially true for modern firearms.

Risk 5: If the gun is carried on my body and I am handling children, How can I keep them safe from it then? Will it go off? Will it be comfortable? Will it stay concealed? Will it fall off?

Solution: This risk came mostly from my ignorance and having come across people who did not properly holster their firearm. I have come to believe that the gun on my body in a well fitting appropriate holster is the safest place for it. I know where it is at all times and a good holster will not let it fall out, or go off accidentally. This requires research on your part.

All in all, these risks and solutions were some of my own personal journey. This is a very personal decision. Your feelings may be quite different from mine. The risks you are willing to accept may also be different. What is important is that you personally appraise yourself of the risks. Seek accurate information and decide for yourself what you are willing to live with.

For me, I felt that the risks could be mitigated. I felt that the chance moment that I may need to defend myself or my children was worth the risk of that preparation. What will you decide?



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