I got my first CHL about 14 years ago. I was a little intimidated about the whole thing to be honest and I really felt like this was more my husband’s thing than mine. The feeling that I didn’t belong only increased after we arrived at the class site.
Our instructor looked like an extra from Duck Dynasty, or Pirates of the Carribean. He hosted us in a dirty little shack on his property. It was jam packed with men, a bunch of various parts to mechanical devices many decades gone, and small rodents. Needless to say, I felt out of place.
I was there to learn to try to better protect myself, but I didn’t love guns, or know all of the different kinds. They went on and on about things I only half understood. Looking back, I think I am glad I didn’t get everything they talked about.
I really wished there was a class where I could learn about protecting what mattered to me that also understood my unique needs. I was a stay-at-home mom. I had little ones. I wanted to be sure that no accidents ever happened. I wasn’t completely comfortable carrying and wanted to know how I could do so much more securely. Thus, the birth of this class. I have learned a great deal in the last decade that has helped me face many of the unique issues we as women face when trying to keep ourselves and our families safe in a very dynamic and active life. This class will not be another men’s ‘Captain Good ol’ boy’ CHL course, I promise.



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