We have all heard people call others a “Mama Bear” . This generally means that we see that mother as very protective of her children. In the blog, In Light of nature, It reads, “The reproduction rate of Grizzlies is the lowest of all mammals in North America. Mothers compensate for this by being very alert and aggressive in defending their young”. The website, Get Bear Smart says, “Mother bears are affectionate, protective, devoted, strict, sensitive and attentive with their young.”

In the Guardian they discuss a particular bear living in the Katmai National Park who is especially protective, “While other mother bears will be more discreet about removing their cubs from potentially dangerous situations, Grazer is quick to go on the offensive, pre-emptively attacking other bears, even the largest adult males.”

“It really seems like almost any bear that looks at (the cubs) the wrong way, she will charge,”

As humans we try not to stomp preemptively on anyone who we think might be looking at us or at our children the wrong way. However, I think most of us mothers can relate to Grazer in that we would do just about anything, including sacrificing ourselves, in order to protect our children.

Unfortunately, most of us are not as intimidating as mother bears. We may have good intentions, but our physical qualifications may simply leave much to be desired.

I love that Get Bear Smart describes mother bears as being not only protective but also affectionate, devoted, strict, and attentive. Thus, for me receiving the title of a Mother Bear has become something of a goal. In the classes I teach I hope to help women become like a Mother Bear. In class you can become equipped with tools and mindsets that will allow you to be more aware of your surroundings, and attentive to those with you, as well as aid you in developing the skills with devices that can help you compensate for perhaps a less than intimidating physique.

Therefore, any woman who completes all the training offered in my courses will receive the “rank” of Mama Bear and receive this beautiful mug to remind her of who she is.



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